Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
18.08.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Information for the students. Introduction to Biophysics.  Sybesma Chp. 1 
20.08.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Basic cell biology  Sybesma Chp. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 from p.25, 2.4 og 2.5 
25.08.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Basic cell biology, continued. Atomic physics, theory of the chemical bond  As above, + Sybesma Chp. 3.1, 3.2 to p.57, 2.3 incl. p.25 
27.08.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  The covalent bond  Sybesma Chp. 23 to p. 25 
01.09.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Hybridization, binding theory of water and Amino acids. Structure of proteins  Sybesma, Chp. 4.1, 4.2 to p. 115 
03.09.2004Thormod Henriksen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Nucleotides, structure of DNA and RNA.  Sybesma Chp. 4.4 
08.09.2004Thormod Henriksen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  DNA replication. Translation and transcription. Cell cyclus  Sybesma Chp. 4.4 and 4.5  
10.09.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building    Forelesningen er avlyst. 
15.09.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building   Spectroscopical methods. Spectroscopy (light) UV, visible, IR  Sybesma, Chp. 3.2 from p 55, 3.3 to p. 68 (ORD and CD not compulsory), 3.4 p. 70+71 only.  
17.09.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building   Spectroscopical methods. Osmosis, centrifugation, sedimentation.  Sybesma, Chp. 3.6 to p. 93 
22.09.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Electroforesis, Enzyme kinetics, X-ray diffraction  Sybesma, Chp. 3.6 from p.93, Chp. 4.2, Chp. 3.7. 
24.09.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  X-diffraction, proteins and DNA   Sybesma, Chp. 3.7 
29.09.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Radiation physics, an introduction   There will be a kompendium written by Thormod Henriksen available as compulsory reading for this and the following two lectures. 
01.10.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Radiation Chemistry and biophysics   The text of OBLIG 1 will be disseminated at the lecture, and on the net. 
06.10.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Seminar  In these two hours, a couple of problems from previous exams will be worked through. The students will work while the teacher will be available for help and discussions. The problems to be solved will be distributed the week before. 
08.10.2004Erik O. Pettersen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Gene technology  There will be two short kompendia of Erik O. Pettersen as compulsory reading in addition to Sybesma Chp. 4.3 and 4.6

Submission of OBLIG 1 before 1600 hours at Einar's office, or at the front office at the Department of Physics. 

13.10.2004Erik O. Pettersen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Immunology   
15.10.2004    *MID-TERM EXAM*  The exam will take place at 1100 - 1300 hours. It will take place at the Vilhelm Bjerknes house (probably the large reading room). 
20.10.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Radiation Biology and Health physics   
22.10.2004Einar Sagstuen   KV 346 Chemistry Building   Radiation Biology and Health physics   A separate kompendium will be distributed for following series of lectures in Magnetic Resonance  
27.10.2004Einar Sagstuen   KV 346 Chemistry Building   Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. NMR/EPR basics   In the Magnetic Resonance kompendium, the following paragraphs are not compulsory:

  • page 3.1.10: Spin decoupling, to page 3.1.13: Commonly used nuclei....However Figure 2.1 is important!.
  • page 3.1.22 and the remainder of the kompendium.
29.10.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building   cw-NMR, Introduction to FT-NMR    
03.11.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  EPR Spectroscopy.   This is the first lab-week. However, due to lack of time, we will have to give lectures this week also.  
05.11.2004Einar Sagstuen  KV 346 Chemistry Building  EPR Spectroscopy. Introduction to labs.  This will be that last lecture in EPR. Even if some students already have finished a lab, a more detailed orientation will be given here. 
10.11.2010Johan Moan  KV 346 Chemistry Building  Photobiophysics   
12.11.2004    No lecture   
17.11.2004    Labs   
19.11.2004    Labs   
24.11.2004Dag Rune Olsen  KV 346 Chemistry Building   Magnetic resonance Imaging   
26.11.2004Dag Rune Olsen  KV 346 Chemistry Building   Medical Radiation Physics, an introduction.  Deadline for submission of laboratory reports

OBLIG 2 will not be given! 

01.12.2004    No lecture   
02.12.2004    *FINAL EXAM*  Place and time will appear later. 
Publisert 26. aug. 2004 16:04 - Sist endret 22. okt. 2004 19:57