
Publisert 20. nov. 2006 19:26

The exam will take place Friday the 8th of December.

Publisert 2. nov. 2006 08:43

The lecture 31/10 will be by Michal Mielnik on microfluidics (chapter 13). After the two hours of lecture, two students will lead the excersise on pull-in. All students should prepare the exercise.

Publisert 16. sep. 2006 15:16

The course has three compulsory exercises. The first is an analytical exercise on a beam, the second is the first tutorial in Coventorware (with a simple modification), the third is to use Coventorware for another design. That can e.g. be to change one parameter of the remaining tutorials (e.g. mirror, beam pull-in analysis, MEMpzr) or to make your own design. The SensoNor process has many layers, but making a design in the TRONIC'S process that you will hear about in Borre may be an option (you could even get your element manufactured...). However, making your own design will be more time consuming than a tutorial, so that is most relevant if it can be related to your master/PhD. On the exam you will give a 15 minutes presentation of your third exercise Coventorware modelling. Then you will explain your modelling results.

Publisert 7. sep. 2006 17:53

All students should sign up at the 25-26 September course at the weblink to STIMESI Please send IMEC the fax as described. The course is a three day course, for FYS 4230 you need the first two days only. You can then write on the form that you will not join the third day. Or you can of course join the third day if you wish. Please confirm with email to liv when you have signed up for that course.

Publisert 29. aug. 2006 16:35

From Tuesday the 5th of September, the lectures will be held in room FØ364.

Publisert 21. aug. 2006 19:54

Tuesday the 29th of August: Guided tour of the SINTEF MiNaLab laboratory. 0915-1200. Address: Gaustadalleen 23. Situated in Gaustadbekkdalen, not far from forskningsparken and three meters from the IFI building. NB this is not the main office of SINTEF Oslo! Meet at the westwards, upper entrance facing a low, blue building. Be there no later than 0915. If problems to get in, call Peter Østbø at mobile 415 47942.

Publisert 21. aug. 2006 19:53

Please email if you intend to follow fys4230 fall 2006