
Publisert 7. sep. 2008 21:37

Details on the course, schedule and deadlines, and chapters of pensum book in Classfronter.

Publisert 7. sep. 2008 21:35

Pensum Book: Lillesand, Kieffer, Chipman: Remote sensing and image interpretation. Wiley. 5th or 6th edition.

Publisert 25. aug. 2008 11:57

  • Introduction meeting: Wednesday, 3. Sept., 16:15, Aud II.(Introduksjonsmøte: Onsdag, 3 sept, 16:15, Aud II.)
  • First teaching weekend: Saturday/Sunday, 27./28. Sept., 9-16 (Første undervisningshelg: Lør/Søn, 27./28. sept, 9-16)
  • Second teaching weekend: Saturday/Sunday, 11./12. Oct., 9-16 (Andre undervisningshelg: Lør/Søn, 11./12. okt, 9-16)

Publisert 9. mai 2008 17:04

Because of father leave of Andi Kääb the course will be conducted in the following way:

  • First meeting during week 35 or 36 (depends on excursions)
  • Teaching (lectures) during two weekends, one in September, one in October
  • Half or full day at the course end for repetition and questions
  • Computer training and exercises as usual during each week