
Publisert 4. feb. 2012 08:01

Ekskursjon til Brunkollen torsdag 23. februar kl. 09:15 - 15:00 for snømålinger.

Publisert 9. jan. 2012 22:55

Welcome to the first lecture in GEO2010, Wednesday 25 January, 14.15 - 16:00, aud. II. Note, it is compulsory to attend this day.

Publisert 9. jan. 2012 22:54

ERRATA - PHYSICAL HYDROLOGY, 2nd ed., 1st printing can be found here:

Publisert 9. jan. 2012 22:53

Pensum bok i GEO2010, S.L. Dingman (2002): Physical hydrology (second edition) Prentice Hall, finnes i et begrenset opplag hos Akademika. Alternativt kan boken bestilles på nettet, f.eks. hos

If the book by S.L. Dingman (2002): Physical hydrology (second edition) Prentice Hall, is no longer available at Akademika, it can be ordered from the web, e.g at