
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
23.08.2010Steinar Øvrebø, Tor Fredrik Holth, Ketil Hylland og Line Sverdrup  Seminarrom 4619 Kristine Bonnevies hus (Biologibygn)  Course introduction and lecture History and scope of Toxicology  Ch 1 og 2 CD Essentials of Toxicology  
24.08.2010Steinar Øvrebø  Rom 4619  Mechanisms. Toxicokinetics and biotransformation   Ch 3 og 4 CD Essentials of Toxicology  
25.08.2010Steinar Øvrebø  Rom 4619  Toxicokinetics and biotransformation  Ch 5, 6 og 7 CD Essentials of Toxicology  
27.08.2010Ketil Hylland  Rom 4619   Ecotoxicology, substances  Ch 1, Walker et al., "Principles of ecotoxicology", 3 ed  
30.08.2010Ketil Hylland  Rom 4619  Sources, distribution  Ch 2-4, Walker et al., "Principles of ecotoxicology", 3 ed  
31.08.2010Ketil Hylland  Rom 4619  Bioavailibility, bioaccumulation and bioconcentration  Ch 5, Walker et al., "Principles of ecotoxicology", 3 ed 
01.09.2010Vidar Skaug  Room 4619  Respiratory toxicology  Ch 15 CD Essentials of Toxicology 
03.09.2010Line Sverdrup  Rom 4619  Toxicity, testing  Ch 6 Walker et al., "Principles of ecotoxicology", 3 ed 
06.09.2010Steinar Øvrebø   Rom 4619  Mechanisms. Toxicokinetics and biotransformation   Kap 5, 6 og 7 CD Essentials of Toxicology  
07.09.2010Steinar Øvrebø  Room 4619  Carcinogens I  Ch 8 og 9 CD Essentials of Toxicology  
08.09.2010Ketil Hylland  Room 4619  Biomarkers  Ch 7-10, Walker et al., "Principles of ecotoxicology", 3 ed  
10.09.2010Steinar Øvrebø  Rom 4619  Carcinogens II  Kap 8 og 9 CD Essentials of Toxicology  
13.09.2010Steinar Øvrebø  Room 4619  Liver and kidney toxicology  Ch 13 CD Essentials of Toxicology  
14.09.2010Steinar Øvrebø  Room 4619  Organtoxicity and summary  Ch rest Unit 4 (11, 12, 17, 18, 19 og 21) CD Essentials of Toxicology  
15.09.2010Edel Holene  Room 4619  Reproduction toxicology  Kap 10 og 20 CD Essentials of Toxicology 
17.09.2010Reidun Sirevåg  Room 4619  Bacterial toxicity  See Ch 26 og 27 CD Essentials of Toxicology  
20.09.2010Frode Fonnum  Room 4619  Neurotoxicology and war gases  Ch 16 CD Essentials of Toxicology  
21.09.2010Line Sverdrup  Room 4619  Pesticides  CH 22 CD Essentials of Toxicology  
22.09.2010Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen  Room 4619  Mycotoxins and food  Ch 30 CD Essentials of Toxicology 
24.09.2010Steinar Øvrebø  Room 4619  Radioactivity  Ch 25 CD Essentials of Toxicology 
27.09.2010Bente Edvardsen  Room 4619  Algal toxins  Ch # CD ?  
28.09.2010Klaus Høiland  Room 4619  Mycotoxins and macromycetes  Ch 26 og 27 CD Essentials of Toxicology  
29.09.2010Ketil Hylland  Room 4619  Populations and communities  Ch 12 - 16 Walker et al. Pronciples of ecotoxicology" 3rd ed 
01.10.2010Steinar Øvrebø  Room 4619  Occupational toxicology  Ch 23, 24, og 33 CD Essentials of Toxicology  
04.10.2010Steinar Øvrebø  Room 4619   Risk assessment  Ch 4 CD Essentials of Toxicology  
05.10.2010Ketil Hylland  Room 4619  Monitoring  Ch 11, Walker et al., "Principles of ecotoxicology", 3rd ed 
08.10.2010Steinar Øvrebø and Ketil Hylland  Room 4619    Preparation for exam - questions?  
11.10.2010Final exam  ??    11. oktober kl. 15:00 (3 hours).  
Publisert 5. juli 2010 20:07 - Sist endret 4. okt. 2010 15:09