Week 7: Feb 24-March 3

Interactive session, Wednesday Feb. 24

Weekly lecture:


Video Recordings:

  1. Linear Regression and Classification
  2. The Logistic Function and its Derivative
  3. The Logistic Regression Classifier
  4. Cross-Entropy Loss
  5. Training the Logistic Regression Classifier
  6. Variants of Gradient Descent
  7. Multi-Class Classification


Jurafsky and Martin, Speech and language processing, 3rd ed. draft, 30 Dec. 2020

  • Ch. 5,  Logistic Regression, everything, but
    • (for now) sec. 5.5 Regularization (We return to regularization)
    • 5.6.2 Learning in Multinomial Logistic Regression
      • For the reference, the derivative in equation 5.37 is not correct.

Observe also that Marsland, Sec. 4.6, "Deriving Back-Propagation", presents some of the same material as the lecture in the context of multi-layer neural networks (e.g., sec. 4.6.2, 4.6.3, 4.6.5, 4.6.6).

Weekly exercises

  • Exercises
  • Solutions
  • All group sessions will be digital this week. You do not have to sign up beforehand; read more here.


Published Feb. 24, 2021 4:02 PM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2023 3:28 PM