Week 8: March 3-March 10

Interactive session, Wednesday March 3

Weekly lecture:


Video Recordings:

  1. Feed-forward neural networks (Multi-layer Perceptrons)
  2. Matrix representations
  3. The Backpropagation Algorithm
  4. Finer Details
  5. Evaluation: Precision and Recall


Marsland, Machine Learning

  • Ch. 4 "The Multi-layer Perceptron", everything, except
    • (for now) 4.2.6 Picking up momentum
    • the technical details of 4.6 Deriving Back-propagation,
      What you have to know here, is covered by the lectures.

Weekly exercises

  • Exercises
  • Starting from March 1, UiO has opened for physical teaching in small groups of up to 20 people. We will therefore turn to physical group sessions as originally planned, starting from our teaching week 8. All attendees to the physical groups will have to sign up before the session to make sure there is room.You can read more about the booking system and about which groups which will turn physical here. We will in addition continue with some digital groups. You do not have to sign up to the digital groups


Published Mar. 2, 2021 8:11 PM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2023 4:21 PM