
Mandatory exercises (IN3060 – Spring 2023)

We have planned to give seven mandatory exercises (obliger) this semester. You need to pass all obliger in order to be qualified to take the exam.

The first three mandatories will be on the subjects RDF, Jena programming, and SPARQL, respectively. They are short, so the deadline is only one week after we publish obliger. You will only have one attempt to submit your solution. In addition, you can and should use  Mr. Oblig to test your solutions before submission.

Oblig 4 is slightly longer, but not very difficult.  You will have 2 weeks, but only one attempt.

Oblig 5 and 6 are more demanding. Therefore the deadlines are two weeks after publishing. You also have two attempts. Oblig 5 focuses on the formal sides of semantic technology, and oblig 6 is about OWL.

Oblig 7 is a short assignment about OTTR. You have one attempt and get help from Mr. Oblig.  You have two weeks.

  Published Deadline Notes  
1. RDF 02.02.2023 23:59 09.02.2023 Only one attempt
2. Jena 09.02.2023 23:59 16.02.2023 Only one attempt
3. SPARQL 16.02.2023 23:59 23.02.2023 Only one attempt
4. Reasoning 02.03.2023 23:59 16.03.2023 Only one attempt
5. Semantics 16.03.2023 23:59 30.03.2023 and two weeks after getting feedback Additional materials: [annotated book chapter], [video].
6. OWL 13.04.2023 23:59 27.04.2023 and two weeks after getting feedback  
7. OTTR 04.05.2023 23:59 16.05.2023 Only one attempt

Mandatory exercises are to be handed in using Devilry.

Published Jan. 24, 2023 1:54 PM - Last modified May 4, 2023 2:16 PM