Week 5

Lecture 5: Word Vectors, 14 Sept.

We will cover the remaining sections from last week. In addition, we will start to consider word vectors.



Mandatory reading

Jurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3. ed. (edition of Oct. 2019)

  • Ch. 6, "Word Semantics and Embeddings"
    • Sections 6.0-6.6 and 6.10-6.11

Recommended reading

For they who need a brush-up on simple algebra and geometry, we recommend the first two sections, page 1-16, of our own

Compendium on Geometry and linear algebra for IN3050/IN4050

Lab-session 4, Tuesday 15 Sept. at Sed

Mandatory assignment 1







Published Sep. 11, 2020 12:25 PM - Last modified Sep. 26, 2020 5:15 PM