
Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
28.08.2013 Fritz Albregtsen and Anne S. Solberg OJD2458 Postscript Introduction and preliminaries Lecture notes


04.09.2013 Fritz Albregtsen OJD2458 Postscript Features from images: Texture (G&W 11.3.3)

Lecture notes


11.09.2013 Fritz Albregtsen OJD2458 Postscript Local to Global, Hough Transform (G&W 10.2) Lecture notes

Exercise text is at the back of the lecture foils.

Support files for matlab exercises:

Matlab scripts:

Matlab function for Hough transform:

"Matlab function for drawing lines:": http://www.ifi.uio.no/~inf3300/2007H/draw_lines.m

Image of corridor:

Image of coins:

Exercise solution to Random Hough transform:

Matlab support function:

18.09.2013 Fritz Albregtsen OJD2458 Postscript Region and edge based segmentation (G&W 10.4, 10.5, 10.6) Lecture notes


02.10.2013 Anne S. Solberg OJD2458 Postscript Object representation (G&W 11.1)

Lecture notes


Mandatory term project, Part I

09.10.2013 Fritz Albregtsen OJD2458 Postscript Object description (G&W 11.2, 11.3) Lecture notes


16.10.2013 Fritz Albregtsen OJD2458 Postscript Morphology

Lecture notes


Solution hints

23.10.2013 Anne S. Solberg OJD2458 Postscript  Classification 1

Lecture notes



30.10.2013 Anne S. Solberg OJD2458 Postscript Classification 2

Lecture notes


Solution hints

Mandatory term project part II

06.11.2013 Anne S. Solberg OJD2458 Postscript Classification 3 Lecture notes
13.11.2013 Anne S. Solberg OJD2458 Postscript Go through previous exam exercises on classification Previous exam exercises on classification
20.11.2013 Fritz Albregtsen OJD 2458 Postscript Go through previous exam exercises on other topics Other previous exam exercises
04.12.2013 Fritz Albregtsen and Anne S. Solberg OJD2458 Postscript Course summary


Repetition of classification

16.12.2013     EXAM  
Publisert 20. aug. 2013 13:25 - Sist endret 4. des. 2013 10:41