Teaching plan

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
18.01.2016 Roar Skogstrøm Java

INF5430 course presentation.

Digital Arithmetic HW Design 1

Israel Koren: Computer Arithmetic Algorithms. Lecture slides


Roar Skogstrøm

Tønnes Nygaard


Digital Arithmetic HW Design 2

Introduction to lab1.

Israel Koren: Computer Arithmetic Algorithms. Lecture slides. Write-Only-Memory (WOM) datasheet (joke!!).

Alexander Wold


High Level Synthesis 1



03.02.2016 Alexander Wold Postscript

High Level Synthesis 2

08.02.2016 Roar Skogstrøm Java Digital Arithmetic HW Design 3

Israel Koren: Computer Arithmetic Algorithms. Lecture slides

10.02.2016 Roar Skogstrøm Postscript

Digital Arithmetic HW Design 4

Integer division arithmetic. Lecture slides


Espen Tallaksen and

Tønnes Nygaard


VHDL Testbench Design 1

Introduction to lab2 and lab3.

Making good testbenches with Bitvis Utility Library; Lecture slides  (www.bitvis.no).


Roar Skogstrøm


Digital Arithmetic HW Design 5

22.02.2016 Tønnes Nygaard Java

VHDL Testbench Design 2.


Lecture slides are here.
24.02.2016 Roar Skogstrøm Postscript Introduction to SystemVerilog

Lecture slides are here.

The SystemVerilog book is Chris Spear and Greg Tumbush: SystemVerilog for Verification.


Ray Salemi UVM Primer book source code is here.

Ray Salemi UVM Primer book vidoes:

Videos for chapter 1-8 are here.

Videos for chapter 9-16 are here.

Videos for chapter 17-20 are here.

Videos for chapter 21-23 are here.

Chapter 22 is not syllabus!


29.02.2016 Alexander Wold Java Partial Reconfiguration 1 The lecture is syllabus for INF9430-students, but recommended for all students. Lecture slides are here.
02.03.2016 Roar Skogstrøm Postscript SystemVerilog for testbenches

Lecture slides are here.

Videos from the Spear&Tumbush book as a selfstudy supplement to the lecture:

Videos for chapter 2 are here.

Videos for chapter 3 are here.

Videos for chapter 5 are here.

07.03.2016 Alexander Wold Java Partial Reconfiguration 2 The lecture is syllabus for INF9430-students, but recommended for all students.

Roar Skogstrøm

Tønnes Nygaard


SystemVerilog Randomization

Introduction to lab4.

Lecture slides are here.

The lab4 introduction is 15:15-15:30.

14.03.2016 Roar Skogstrøm Java SystemVerilog Functional Coverage

The lecture is syllabus for INF9430-students, but recommended for all students.

Lecture slides are here.


Jørgen Norendal

Postscript CANCELLED!


30.03.2016 Jørgen Norendal Postscript

Digital HW design Q&A 1 & 2.

Sequential circuit design

Register Transfer Methodology Part I

Videos can be downloaded or streamed

Register Transfer Methodology Part II

Clock domain crossings and handshake

Videos can be downloaded or streamed

Lecture slides

04.04.2016 Jørgen Norendal Java Low Power HW Design 1

Jan Rabaey: Low Power Design Essentials chapter 1, 3, 4 and 5. Lecture slides and the whole book by J. Rabaey, A version with annotated syllabus slides can be downloaded from here.

06.04.2016 Roar Skogstrøm Postscript

SystemVerilog and UVM Verification Q&A.

Introduction to lab5.

11.04.2016 Jørgen Norendal Java Low Power HW Design 2

Jan Rabaey: Low Power Design Essentials chapter 6, 8, 10, 12. Lecture slides and article from EETimes. Video fra Xilinx: "FPGA Power Management HDL Coding Techniques".

20.04.2016 Roar Skogstrøm Postscript SystemVerilog and UVM lab5 Q&A  
25.04.2016 Roar Skogstrøm Java SystemVerilog and UVM lab5 Q&A  
02.05.2016 Roar Skogstrøm Java SystemVerilog and UVM lab5 Q&A  
25.05.2016 Jørgen  Norendal,  Alexander Wold og Roar Skogstrøm. Postscript Q&A Q&A lecture. Please send questions in advance by email!


Published Jan. 12, 2016 4:32 PM - Last modified May 4, 2016 8:32 AM