Obligatory projects

The course will have two obligatory projects and successful completion of both is required to take the exam.

Obligatory project 1

The first obligatory project should be handed in by October 5.

Oblig 1

The test image is in text format with pixel values in rows. The pixel values will be separated with spaces.
The segmentation should be output in the same format as the input image with the pixel values replaced by a value identifying the region the pixel belongs to.

Obligatory project 2

The second obligatory project should be handed in by November 23.

Oblig 2

The project requires the use of the AMPL modeling language. The software is available in a full version at the Department of Informatics, or you can download the free student edition here. For a quick introduction to AMPL, read the first chapter of the AMPL book.

Here are the AMPL examples used in the lectures: