Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
25.08.2003Christian Holmboe  Lille Aud, Ifi  What is Informatikkdidaktikk? + practical information + theory of learning  Please buy the Collection of Papers (Kompendium) from Akademika.


01.09.2003Christian Holmboe  Lille Aud, Ifi  Basic theory of learning and teaching  Litterature handed out in lecture on Aug 25th

Please read chapter 2 and start chapter 20 from "Handbook of Educational Psychology"


08.09.2003Christian Holmboe  Lille Aud, Ifi  On writing a scientific paper + Project information and start-up  Please read the ramainder of chapter 20 from "Handbook of Educational Psychology"

Also read Wu et al (1998) from the Collection of papers


15.09.2003Christian Holmboe  Lille Aud, Ifi  Learning Programming  Read the three first papers from the collection of papers:
  • Pea (1986)
  • Spohrer &Soloway (1986)
  • Aharoni (2000)


Be not afraid! I will pick up next time where I left you hanging. 

22.09.2003Christian Holmboe  Lille Aud, Ifi  Preconditions (+ tips on finding litterature)  deadline for project proposals Please send by email to christho@ils.uio.no no later than 0900 CET.

Read at least one of the papers on preconditions from the collection (Goold&Rimmer, Hagan, or Wilson&Shrock).

Make sure that each discussion group (pair of two project groups made in the lecture on the 15th) have covered all three papers.


29.09.2003Christian Holmboe  Aud 3, Helga Eng  Learning Data Modeling  Each discussion group must have read the two papers on Data Modeling from the Collection + the following paper:


06.10.2003Christian Holmboe + various project groups  Lille Aud, Ifi  Project workshop  Please sign up to get a 5 minute slot to present the status of your project. This will be followed by feedback from other students and the lecturer.

If you would like to take this opportunety to get valuable tips on the way, please send an email to christho@ils.uio.no 

13.10.2003Jens Kaasbøll and Christian Holmboe  Lille Aud, Ifi  User Training  Jens Kaasbøll will present an interesting project called 'Hole in the wall'.

This will be followed by a miniature workshop and discussion on issues concerning User Training.

Please read the papers by Sein et al and by Venter & Blignaut from the collection of papers. You may also benefit from reading this paper by Ben-Ari as an introduction.


20.01.2003Christian Holmboe  Lille Aud, Ifi  Information Systems and Ethics  Please make sure that your reading group have covered the following four papers from the collection of papers.
  • Whiddett et al
  • Kaasbøll
  • Schulze & Grodzinsky
  • Werth


27.10.2003Christian Holmboe  Lille Aud, Ifi  Recursion & Parallellism  Make sure that your discussion group cover all of the following 5 papers for this lecture.
  • Wu et al
  • George
  • Levy & Lapidot
  • Kitchen et al
  • Pollock & Jochen


03.11.2003various project groups  Lille aud, Ifi  Project workshop  Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to take this opportunety to give a 5min presentation of your project and receive tips and feedback from me and the other students.

There will unfortunately not be room for all 31 projects, but don't be discorraged. First come first serve (with some editorial privelages on my part). 

01.01.2003Christian Holmboe  Lille Aud  Organizing Teaching and Learning  Please read the following papers for this lecture:
  • Chapter 24 from the Handbook of Ed.Psych (handed out in the first few weeks)
  • Chase & Oki: "Combining Cooperative..."
  • Craig: "Peer Mentoring Female..."
  • Zeller: "Making Students Read..."
  • Schoenfeld: "Learning to Think..."


01.01.2003Christian Holmboe  Lille Aud, Ifi  Theories of learning, Tools and Distance education  Project Deadline at 09:14 To be submitted electronnically to Christian Holmboe in .doc, .rtf, .pdf, or .ps - format.

This is the final regular lecture/session. It is very important that you have read chapter 24 from the handbook of ed.psych - (handed out in the first few weeks). you might also want to read chapter 2 again.

In addition, please read the two final papers in the Collection:

  • Odekirk-Hash & Zachary: "Automated Feedback..."
  • Wlson & Whitelock: "What are the Perceived..."


01.01.2003Christian Holmboe  Lille Aud, Ifi  Summary and Exam preparation  Handouts 
Published June 16, 2003 8:12 PM - Last modified Sep. 15, 2004 12:23 PM