
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
30.01.2007Anders Mørch, Sisse Finken, Kathrine Nygård  Visningsrommet på InterMedia  Introduction to the course. Together with CSCW (INF 5200)  Presentation of the course and some administrative routines; similarities and differences betwen CSCW and CSCL 
06.02.2007Anders  Visningsrommet  Introduction to CSCW and groupware  Ellis et al. (1991): "Groupware: some Issues and Experiences"

Grudin (1994): "Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: History and Focus" 

13.02.2007Sisse  Visningsrommet  Intro to methods in in CSCW&L  Blomberg et. al. (1993): Ethnographic Field Methods and Their Relation to Design"

Bentley et al. (1992): "Ethnographically-Informed Systems Design for Air Trafic Control"

Forsythe (1991): "It's just a Matter of Common Sense" 

20.02.2007Anders & Sisse  Visningsrommet  Sociocultural perspectives   Rommetveit (1992): "Outlines of a dialogically based social-cognitive approach to human cognition and communication"

Engeström (2000): "Activity Theory and Social Knowledge" 

27.02.2007Anders & Kathrine  Møterommet på InterMedia  Common themes in CSCL  Ludvigsen & Mørch (2007). "CSCL: Pedagogical and technological scaffolding" 
02.03.2007      One-page project description due! 
06.03.2007Kathrine  Møterommet  Design of Computer Support for Collaboration, part 1  Chapter 2 "Evolving the learning environment," in Stahl (2006). 
13.03.2007Anders & Kathrine  Møterommet  Design of Computer Support for Collaboration, part 2  Damir presents chapter 4 "Supporting Situated Interpretation" and Marit chapter 5, "Collaboration Technology for Communities," in Stahl (2006). 
20.03.2006Anders & Kathrine  Møterommet  Design of Computer Support for Collaboration, part 3  Denne dagen utgår og presentasjonen holdes 10.4 
27.03.2007Kathrine  Møterommet  Analysis of Collaborative Knowledge Building, part 1  Renate presents chapter 9 "A model of collaborative knowledge building" and Kathrine chapter 11, "Contributions to a theory of collaboration" in Stahl (2006).  
30.03.2007      Midterm report due! 
03.04.2007      Spring break! 
10.04.2007Anders & Kathrine  Møterommet  Design of Computer Support for Collaboration part 3 & Analysis of Collaborative Knowledge Building, part 2  Jørgen presents chapter 7 "Groupware goes to school" and Sofia presents chapter 12 "In a moment of collaboration" in Stahl (2006)  
17.04.2007Anders & Kathrine  Møterommet  Analysis of Collaborative Knowledge Building, part 3  Andy presents chapter 13 in Stahl (2006), "Collaborating with relational references"  
24.04.2006Anders & Kathrine  Møterommet  Theory of group cogniton, part 1  Kinga presents chapter 15 in Stahl (2006), "Building collaborative knowing"  
01.05.2007      No lecture on this day! 
08.05.2006Anders & Kathrine  Møterommet  Theory of group cogniton, part 2  Sigurd presents chapter 16 "Group meaning" and Eirik chapter 17, "Shared meaning, common ground and group cognition" in Stahl (2006).  
15.05.2007Anders & Kathrine  Møterommet  Theory of group cogniton, part 3  Chapter 18, "Making group cognition visible," in Stahl (2006) 
22.05.2007Anders & Kathrine  Visningsrommet  Summary  Anders and Kathrine presents key points covered this semester 
29.05.2007Anders & Kathrine  Basisrommet  Last minute "cram" session  Question / answers regarding final report and studying for the final exam 
01.06.2007      Project report due! 
05.06.2007Anders, Sisse, Kathrine  Visningsrommet  CSCW and CSCL rejoin  Project presentations (note this time we may use more than 3 hours) 
13.06.2007      Oral exam (finalized) 
Publisert 29. jan. 2007 21:28 - Sist endret 21. mai 2007 16:21