
Published June 2, 2021 7:46 PM
  • You can find today's exam here.
  • There was a small glitch in Problem 4 (a), where it was not explicitly stated that S is in B(H). This does not really affect the solution, but it could have been confusing. You should have gotten a (belated) message in Inspera about this and the exam was extended by 15 min to compensate. 
  • Here is my solution. Please contact me if something is unclear or (!) wrong. I have tried to suggest different solutions to the problems, but there are also other options I did not discuss. 


Published May 27, 2021 7:53 AM

On the upcoming exam (Wednesday, 2 June) I will be available on Zoom from 15:30 to 18:30. I will be using the waiting room feature. The link will appear here.


Published May 19, 2021 3:49 PM

In general, the following guidelines apply in courses at the Department of Mathematics: 
- The examination lasts 4 hours. In addition, you will have an extra 30 minutes to scan and upload your PDF. 
- All examination aids are allowed (e.g. books, online resources, scientific programming tools, etc.). 
- It is not allowed to collaborate or communicate with others during the exam about the assignments. 

- You can be picked out for a meeting to check that you understand the content of your examination attempt. The meeting will not affect your grade, but it can result in a formal investigation into possible cheating. Read more about what is considered cheating on the UiO web pages:

- The general guidelines for exams at the MN-Faculty spring 2021&n...

Published May 19, 2021 3:07 PM
  • The exam is comprised of four problems with a total of ten subproblems.
  • All ten subproblems count equally towards the final grade. If there is a subproblem you cannot solve, you may still use the result in the sequel.
  • Neither the problems nor the subproblems are intentionally ordered according to my perception of their difficulty.

One of the dangers of a home exam with all aids permitted is to waste time consulting various sources when you should be working on the problems. Here are two concrete tips to avoid that.

  • Consult the review lectures (Lecture 16 and Lecture 34) and make your own note with important definitions and results.
  • If you maintain PDF versions of the literature, remember to search! For example, if a question refers to the concept "shrubbery", you can quickly verify that this word is not mentioned in Spaces or ELA.


Published May 17, 2021 12:48 PM

Based on a couple of recent questions on Padlet, I decided to write a short note discussing the notion of closed sets in Banach spaces. Please let me know if anything is wrong or unclear in the note.


Published May 8, 2021 9:43 AM

Here are the times when I am available to answer questions and discuss the course before the exam.

Week 20

  • Wednesday, 19 May from 09:00 to 15:00.
  • Thursday, 20 May from 09:00 to 12:00.
  • Friday, 21 May from 09:00 to 15:00.

Week 21

  • Tuesday, 25 May from 09:00 to 14:00.
  • Thursday, 27 May from 09:00 to 12:00.
  • Friday, 28 May from 09:00 to 15:00.

I cannot promise to be completely glued to my computer screen for the stated times, but in principle I should not be far away. If you want to reach me, start your own Zoom meeting and invite me. Click here for a guide. If this does not work, send me an email to schedule a time.


Published May 8, 2021 9:30 AM
  • The final curriculum for the course is ready. I have tried to highlight the differences between the video series and the literature. Note that some of the lectures are not relevant for the exam.
  • Here is a note on Sturm–Liouville theory, which was covered very cursory at the end of the course (Lecture 33). The note is not relevant for this years exam, but it will be incorporated in the next version of ELA.
Published May 3, 2021 2:50 PM
  • I have uploaded the lectures and exercises for the rest of the course.
  • I have also revised the text on the old exams page.
  • The lectures on 18 May and 25 May will be cancelled and replaced by office hours and/or oracle sessions in week 20 and 21.
  • The schedule for this and the precise curriculum (which includes a list of differences between the literature and the video series) will be posted here at the latest on 12 May.
Published Apr. 12, 2021 8:51 AM

Here is some information on the teaching plans for the remainder of the term:

  • For the lectures, the plan is to finish the curriculum during the lectures in week 19 and spend the last two weeks on repetition. I will endeavor to be available for questions and help throughout week 21.
  • For the weekly exercises, Gaute will start posting detailed written solutions to some of the problems. The exercise session on Thursdays will be devoted to answering your questions; either about the theory or about specific exercise problems (from any week).
  • We will continue to answer questions on Padlet.
  • I will only restart the weekly office hours if there is sufficient interest. 


Published Mar. 26, 2021 11:12 AM
  • My solution to the problems can be found here.
  • Please contact me if something is unclear or (!) wrong.
  • At some point after Easter, I hope to discuss the mandatory assignment in more detail and with a view to the upcoming exam.


Published Mar. 24, 2021 2:33 PM

As you can see on the schedule, next week there will only be one lecture (on 30th of March) and there won't be an exercise session. The week after there will only be one lecture (6th of April), but there will be an exercise session. Of course, since the lectures are digital, you are free to watch them whenever you want, just know that they will be published at the times in the schedule.

Published Mar. 14, 2021 2:41 PM
  • I have graded the mandatory assignment. The maximal score is 120 points and you need 72 points to pass.
  • If you did not pass, you get one more attempt. The deadline for the second attempt will be 25 March.
  • Since I cannot currently use my right arm, you will only get a comment with your point distribution in Canvas.
  • However, I am happy to go through your assignment with you over Zoom. To arrange this, send me a list of 3–4 time slots that work for you. I especially encourage those that did not pass to use this opportunity to get some help for the second attempt.
  • My solution to the problems will be uploaded shortly after 25 March.


Published Mar. 10, 2021 9:45 PM

From now on the exercise sessions will cover the exercises from the week before. So the exercises you got this week will be covered in next week's session, the exercises you will get next week will be covered in two weeks etc. This is to give you more time to attempt the exercises on your own before you see solutions. The session tomorrow at 12.15 will still be held, but will be turned into a question session instead. 

Published Mar. 8, 2021 1:42 PM

There will be one additional office hour for the mandatory assignment on Tuesday, February 9 from 14:15 to 15:00. The link is on Zoom.

Published Mar. 1, 2021 9:40 AM
  • We finish the first part of the course (measure theory) in week 9, and begin with the second part in week 10.
  • The second part of the course does not really build on the first part of the course, but rather on previous courses in real analysis and linear algebra. The most pertinent material can be found in Sections 5.1–5.5 in Spaces.
  • Ole will be away at least until Easter, so Gaute will cover both the lectures and the exercise sessions until further notice.
Published Feb. 22, 2021 7:13 AM

I have made a short form to get a feeling for how the digital lectures are working.

The form is anonymous and should not take more than 2–3 min to complete. Thanks!

Published Feb. 22, 2021 7:02 AM

There will be two time slots for office hours devoted to the mandatory assignment (see Zoom).

  • Friday, 26 February 09:15–10:00,
  • Monday, 1 March 09:15–11:00.

I neither time slot works for you, contact me. These office hours replace both the usual office hour in week 9 and one of the lectures in week 9.

You can pick two problems which we will discuss. Some hints may also be provided. 

Published Feb. 15, 2021 3:22 PM

I have enabled some features in Canvas, which might make it easier for the students to collaborate. (Remember that you are allowed to work together on the mandatory assignment, but must write up your own submission.)

Published Feb. 14, 2021 10:36 PM

Since the exercise session on Thursday was cancelled there will be an extra session on Tuesday at 14:15 to make up for it. 

Published Feb. 12, 2021 9:33 AM
  • We now have a student representative (with room for one more).
  • The first meeting will be in week 8. Please contact the student representative(s) if you have any comments about the way the course is being run. I am particularly interested in feedback on the digital teaching. What is working well and where can we improve?
Published Feb. 11, 2021 11:56 AM

Due to illness, the exercise session today must unfortunately be cancelled. I will let you know if there will be an additional exercise session next week to make up for this one.


Published Feb. 7, 2021 1:46 PM

My office hour will be Monday 8 February from 14:00 to 15:00 over Zoom (using the Waiting Room feature). I will extend the session if necessary in order to discuss with everyone who shows up. Conversely, the session may be shortened if the waiting room is empty.

Published Feb. 4, 2021 8:38 AM

Some updates on MAT3400/4400:

  • The mandatory assignment is ready. See the page for more information.
  • Starting next week, I will offer (digital) office hours during one of the lectures (Monday 14–16 or Tuesday 14–16). Contact me if you have strong preferences for or, equivalently, against any the two time slots.
  • I have been informed that I am required to choose two student representatives. Please email me if you want to volunteer. See here for more information. 
Published Jan. 25, 2021 3:11 PM

We have to continue with digital teaching until further notice. It will be organized as follows. 

  • Lectures will be recorded in short videos and posted on Mondays and Tuesdays. 
  • The exercises will be posted on Mondays (or at the very latest Tuesdays). 
  • The weekly exercise sessions on Thursdays 12:15–14:00 will be held over Zoom. We encourage you to participate actively in the exercise sessions by asking questions and making comments. The sessions will therefore not be recorded due to privacy concerns. 
  • You can ask questions anonymously using Padlet.
Published Jan. 20, 2021 3:05 PM

I have created a Padlet for this course. This is just a simple webpage PadletMat4400 where you anonymously can ask questions about exercises and course content. Simply post your question by clicking the + symbol under the appropriate column and Ole or I will answer it sooner or later (either on padlet or in class). Before you post a question, try to make sure it hasn't been asked before.