Semesterside for STK2100 - Vår 2019


Please find here the text of the exam, and here the outline of its solution.

1. juli 2019 18:21

At the exam you are allowed to use the lists of formulas for STK2100 that you find at the following links:

- in English

- in Norwegian.

Note that the list is slightly different from that of last year, as this year the syllabus includes clustering.


You can also bring the list of formulas for STK1100/STK1110, but it will be pretty useless (so I did not translate it).


IMPORTANT: you have to print the list(s) yourself, it (they) will not be provided at the exam.

22. mai 2019 18:43

As decided together in class, there will no lecture and no exercises on Monday, April 15th.

8. apr. 2019 16:36