Oblig 1 has now been …

Oblig 1 has now been corrected and the results are posted on the net. The obligs may now be picked up in the institute office. People who has to deliver a new version of the oblig has to do so before Friday 31/03 at 14.30 at the institute office. Model solutions will be posted later.

A couple of comments to the oblig:

1. Replace the last question in 2(i) by: Show that the differential equation has a solution in this case which is equal to 0 for t >= t_0.

2. In 2(ii) it is not possible to express x(t) explicitely by elementary functions, so "find x(t)" means "express x(t) by integrals of elementary functions".

3. In 2(iii) the integration variable in the first integral should have another name than x in order not to be confused with the upper limit of the integral.

Publisert 24. mars 2006 00:15 - Sist endret 11. aug. 2006 19:13