
Published May 28, 2017 3:51 PM

(Reposted with a third): 2014-autumn and 2016-spring and autumn have been updated last week to correct typos. If you have done those, then you may want to reload. Annotations in typewriter font.
The optimist view is that more people seem to do the problems this semester, and discover even typos in intermediate calculations even when the answer was stated correctly. - Nils

Published May 26, 2017 2:48 PM

Some of you requested the solution that was handed out.  Here. 

Published Apr. 25, 2017 9:34 PM

We will have three hours, but the timetable is not updated to reflect that - I do not have write access. - Nils

Published Apr. 19, 2017 2:54 PM

You will find the result in Fronter.

Do you have any questions? Contact the Department of Economics.

Published Apr. 18, 2017 8:26 PM

I realize that this question has not (yet) been covered, my bad. Consider what happens to the integral from 0 to T as T tends to infinity. 

Published Apr. 18, 2017 1:44 PM

I (Nils) will cover this week's seminars, as Matteo is attending a conference. I hope to carry out the suggestion of focusing on the spring 2010 exam tomorrow Wednesday and the spring 2013 exam on Thursday. I assume there is room for those who want to attend both seminars. 

The lecture schedule will stay as-is for this week, but may be updated for next week: possibly we could go through the term paper on Friday 28th. The last lecture on the schedule is the last "ordinary" lecture, and will have curriculum; the review could be an extra then.

And, those who had to submit term papers right before Easter can check Fronter.

Published Apr. 12, 2017 1:00 PM

I suppose no-one needs this? - Nils

Published Mar. 30, 2017 9:43 AM

You will find the result in Fronter. If your paper is approved you are not going to hand in a new paper.

If your paper is not approved you have gotten an e-mail to your UiO-email at 30. March 2017 with information regarding the second attempt.

If you have questions, please contact the Department of Economics at

Published Mar. 29, 2017 3:32 PM

Particular remarks to those of you who did not get it approved:

  • The "problem set" for the revision is precisely the same. You are required to submit a revised paper. (Submit a revised paper, not just a "patch".)
  • Deadline: see previous message.
  • Please take note of the following "submission-technical" remarks when resubmitting.

Submission-technical remarks:

  • Some of you submitted multiple files rather than one single file.
    • For future submissions, this course or other courses:
      Please compile to a single PDF. 
    • The graders did assess your entire submission, despite only one file being ticked off as passed or failed. 
      For comments, look at that file which is ticked off. There should be comments on that one. (Most comments are in text, although at least one of them was for technical reasons commented in...
Published Mar. 29, 2017 2:51 PM

April 6th at 1500, for those who did not get the first attempt approved.
That is, Thursday in 8 days. The problem set is the same. You shall submit a new file with answers to every question (not only "these are the missing parts").

I will shortly post a few more comments. - Nils

Published Mar. 24, 2017 3:35 PM

Transposes not covered yet, so one problem (5) removed from the seminar problem set and one filled in. - Nils

Published Mar. 22, 2017 7:28 PM

the below. More will be announced, but it depends a bit on what Ola manages to cover on Friday. Therefore, keep an eye on the seminar problems document for possible changes even after Friday's lecture!

The following should be in, though:

  • Exam spring 2014 problem 2
  • Exam spring 2014 problem 4
  • The following "preliminary" is in Norwegian but should be doable with Google translate (if not, send a mail to Nils). Consider this midterm exam in MAT1001. For each of the problems 1 through 5 on page 2, take a stand on whether we by Ola's Friday lecture have covered enough to be able to solve it - and, if applicable, whether you should be able to solve it even before starting on Mathematics 2.
  • English EMEA: 15.7.8, 15.8.4, 15.4.6 
    Norsk: LA: 2.2.4, 2.3.3, 3.3.6 


Published Mar. 21, 2017 3:32 PM

I (Nils) have had a couple of questions concerning (the corrected) problem 2(a) part i). The first bullet point uses only the first property! The second bullet point uses the rest.

Furthermore, for the "could be demanding" problem 3(d), opinions seem to differ as to whether it is the first (show that an inverse exists) or the second (find its derivative) that is hardest. If you have issues with one of them, try the other.

And when it comes to problen 1(e): as I said in a lecture, we expect lots of "partial" answers on this one. The intuition is easy, but formulating what you "know" - and in a way where the "second zero" yields a contradiction - could be quite a job to do properly. 

Published Mar. 13, 2017 6:33 PM

Due to a department seminar, I will be out of office until 1330. (You do not tax my consultation hours heavily anyway, do you?)  - Nils

Published Mar. 9, 2017 1:16 PM

The term paper problem set has been updated to correct an error.

The change is problem 2(a). The error was due to a last-minute change made in order to simplify - and then I (Nils) simplified away the truth value of it. If 2(a)i) does not have two bullet points, you need to reload.

If you want to compare with the old version, replace "ferdig-v17.pdf" in the URL by "ferdig-oblig-3120+4120-v17.pdf". (I do not want to link to it - there one with a link is the correct one, period.)

My apologies for the inconvenience. 

Published Mar. 3, 2017 9:35 AM

You will find the compulsory term paper on the semester page.

On the semester page, you will also find a link to general information regarding the compulsory term paper.

For questions, please contact the Department of Economics.

Published Mar. 2, 2017 12:23 PM
Published Mar. 1, 2017 3:07 PM
  • The term paper sneak peak had an error - thanks to the student who had sneakpeaked enough to catch it. (Even when I let the computer do the calculation, I managed to write wrong. Neat.)
  • The max/min handout is updated too.
Published Feb. 23, 2017 6:15 PM

is available from the semester page or at this direct link. I will go through it in the lecture - quickly, in order to get to heavier matter.

Published Feb. 20, 2017 1:11 PM

I suspect there will not be demand for my consultation hours this week - but I will show up if you drop me an e-mail.

Now, more than one of you have had issues with the inflection point in Problem 32. The (-1/2,0) means the interval, not point coordinates. So the x0 where the function inflects, should be strictly between -1/2 and 0. 

Published Feb. 19, 2017 6:48 PM

for next seminar.

Published Feb. 17, 2017 3:11 PM

I promised you this. Uploaded one problem that will be in the term paper, one problem that you must expect to see there or for a seminar, and one "will be something like this", see the document. 

Published Feb. 9, 2017 10:49 AM

Since there was no lecture on Wednesday, we will only have a very little new material this week (i.e. tomorrow) - and then you have a seminar on Monday morning. I cannot assign so much more then.

So I suggest the following: 
 - the ones assigned for this week
 - "extras" 
 - Compendium problems 71 and 77
If you want more: Do problem 94 and 104.

Does it sound reasonable?

Published Feb. 7, 2017 2:44 PM

I got an inquiry on the problems, concerning the need to cover them in one way or another. One way out could be to hand out a solution, in particular to those problems which are "a lot of calculations". That way, I could give priority to problems where I think something should be said about theory or method. - Nils

Published Feb. 6, 2017 12:30 PM

You have probably found out already. I would be grateful if you could e-mail me requests for problems to cover on Friday. I cannot promise to fulfill anything, I just have to make an executive decision.

One of the contact students so mercilessly chosen: Oskar Arnesen Dønnum. His is oadonnum (written this way to protect against spam).