Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
31.08.2011 Trine Haagensen, Maria Utheim  205  Research Marketplace  How to decide what will be the topic of your Master's thesis. 
28.09.2011    Thesis topic due  To be handed in via Fronter. Use the «Test»(prøve) located under «Teaching» (Undervisning). 
28.09.2011Tanja Storsul  205  Lecture: Henry Jenkins: Convergence Culture  Download slides (pdf, 3.5 MB). 
04.10.2011    Paper 1 due  A 2-page paper on a given topic is to be handed in via Fronter no later than today. The topic will be announced 28 September. 
12.10.2011Anders Fagerjord, Trine Haagensen, Maria Utheim  205  Workshop: Thesis proposal  10.00 AM-4 PM 
14.10.2011    Research question due  To be handed in via Fronter 
26.10.2011Audun Beyer    Lecture: Norris et.al.: On Message  Notice! New time: 26 October, 13.15-15.00.  
26.10.2011Anders Fagerjord, Trine Haagensen, Maria Utheim   205  Workshop: Thesis proposal  10 AM - 4 PM, including Norris lecture. 
02.11.2011    Paper 2 cancelled  The announced assignment 2 is cancelled du to Anders' illness. Please take care to study how to reference literatre on your own. 
09.11.2011Knut Lundby  205  Lecture: Research ethics  Notice! New date! Download slides (pdf) 
14.11.2011    Library course cancelled  Cancelled: 10.15-12.00 AM. Norwegian speaking course 
16.11.2011Signe Marie Brandsæter  Georg Sverdrups Hus  Library course, last names A-K  10.15-12.00 AM. Norwegian-language course for students with last names A-K. 
18.11.2011Signe Marie Brandsæter  Georg Sverdrups Hus  Library course, L-Å  10.15-12.00 AM. Norwegian-language course for students with last names L-Å 

Group supervision for the rest of the semester will be scheduled in October.

Published Aug. 22, 2011 12:25 PM - Last modified Nov. 9, 2011 11:27 AM