Detailed teaching plan

Below is a more detailed plan for the lectures with links to different resources (slides and notes). This will be updated as we go along, so please check once in a while.

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
30.08.2013 Are Raklev  Auditorium V232 Some basics of group theory, I  Slides and notes.
04.09.2013   Auditorium Ø467 Some basics of group theory, II  Updated notes also covering next lecture.
05.09.2013   Auditorium Ø467 The Poincaré algebra and its extensions    
11.09.2013   Auditorium Ø467 The Poincaré algebra and its extensions, Weyl spinors  Updated notes.
12.09.2013   Auditorium Ø467 Representations of the superalgebra  Updated notes.
18.09.2013   Auditorium Ø467 Superspace  Updated notes.
19.09.2013   Room Ø262 Superfields  Updated notes. End of the algebraic introduction to SUSY. On to constructing Lagrangians.
25.09.2013   Auditorium Ø467 SUSY Lagrangians with superfields, I  Updated notes.
26.09.2013   Room Ø262 SUSY Lagrangians with superfields, II  Updated notes.
02.10.2013   Auditorium Ø467 Breaking SUSY  Updated notes.
03.10.2013   Room Ø262 Still breaking SUSY  Updated notes.
09.10.2013   Auditorium Ø467 Renormalisation  Updated notes.
10.10.2013   Room Ø262 The Lagrangian of the MSSM, I  Updated notes.
16.10.2013   Auditorium Ø467 The Lagrangian of the MSSM, II  Updated notes.
17.10.2013   Room Ø262 The Lagrangian of the MSSM, III  Updated notes.
23.10.2013   Auditorium Ø467 MSSM Higgs sector  Updated notes.
24.10.2013   Room Ø262 MSSM sparticles I Updated notes.
30.10.2013   Auditorium Ø467 MSSM sparticles II Slides and updated notes.
31.10.2013   Room Ø262 SUSY searches @ hadron colliders, I

Slides and updated notes.

We have now come to the end of the discussion of the properties of the MSSM. The rest of the course will concern the phenomenology of SUSY and current searches for SUSY. 

06.11.2013   Auditorium Ø467 Ingen forelesning!  
07.11.2013   Room Ø262 Forelesning avlyst!  
13.11.2013   Auditorium Ø467 SUSY searches @ hadron colliders, II  Updated notes.
14.11.2013   Room Ø262 SUSY searches @ lepton colliders Slides and updated notes.
20.11.2013   Auditorium Ø467 SUSY and precision observables, I Slides and updated notes.
21.11.2013   Room Ø262 SUSY and precision observables, II   
27.11.2013   Auditorium Ø467 SUSY Dark Matter I Slides and updated notes.
28.11.2013   Room Ø262 SUSY Dark Matter II Final lecture.
Published Aug. 29, 2013 4:04 PM - Last modified Nov. 26, 2013 8:57 PM