
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
02.09.2005PH / CG  3A  Intro  Slides: ppt, pdf 
09.09.2005Carsten  3A  The Bump in the Wire  Slides: ppt, pdf ( 6x
16.09.2005CG / PH  3A  Know errors & challenges  Assignment2: protocol statistics 
23.09.2005  3A / lab     
30.09.2005CG / PH  3A  Paper presentations  Slides: ppt, pdf ( 6x )

See paper list

Assignment2 delivery

Assigmnent3: packet bridge with ARP support 

07.10.2005  lab     
14.10.2005Students  3A  Paper presentations  See paper list

Assignment4: transparent load balancer 

21.10.2005Students  3A   Paper presentations  See paper list 
28.10.2005Students  3A   Paper presentations  See paper list  
04.11.2005Øyvind Hvamstad  3A  Guest lecture  See paper list

Assignment4 delivery

Assignment5: HTTP protocol translator 

11.10.2005  lab     
18.11.2005Andreas Petlund  3A  Guest lecture   
25.11.2005Students  3A  Project demos and presentations  Assignment5 delivery & presentation 
Published Aug. 25, 2005 1:14 PM - Last modified Sep. 30, 2005 1:58 PM