
Publisert 8. mai 2015 11:38

Wednesday May 20th: The first hour will be ordinary class. The second hour will be devoted to a guest lecture by Solveig Bruvoll. Solveig Bruvoll is a researcher at  the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). She has a PhD in informatics from UiO. Solveig will present their research regarding path planning methods for autonomous and simulated vehicles. The path planning method is based on optimization methods for calculating the shortest path through a graph. The aim is to develop a path planning method that produces situation dependent paths. She will explain the optimization method that is used and how the method is applied to their application.

Publisert 8. mai 2015 11:05

Answers to mandatory assignment can be found at [LINK].

Publisert 20. mars 2015 12:37

Compulsory project 2 is posted [Link]. Deadline is Thursday April 16.

Publisert 7. mars 2015 10:44

Answers to mandatory assignment #1 can be found at [LINK].

Publisert 30. jan. 2015 14:58

Compulsory project 1 is posted [Link]. Deadline is Thursday February 19.

Publisert 4. jan. 2015 15:22