
Published Aug. 19, 2021 9:21 AM

The exam problems can be found here, and a suggested solution here.

I will finish correcting the exams in a couple of weeks.

Best regards,

Published Aug. 18, 2021 12:05 PM

There has been discovered two errors in the continuation exam set:

  • In problem 5b), the inverse of L goes from Y to X
  • In problem 6a), the component in the second row, second column should be -5x_2^4.

It has been added 15 minutes of extra time to your exam.

Regards the MN-faculty

Published Aug. 16, 2021 2:16 PM

The continuation exam ("konteeksamen") is held on Wednesday 18 August at 09:00–13:00. You will find the exam on Inspera.

I will be available for questions on Zoom from 10:00. Please join the Zoom meeting, available on the Canvas course site, if you have any questions about the exam.

Good luck!

Best regards,

Published June 29, 2021 8:49 PM

Dear all,

We have finished correcting the exams. In the end the grade distribution among the candidates, and the number of points required to achieve that grade, was as follows:

A: 9.1% (85–100)
B: 7.6% (75–84)
C: 25.8% (55–74)
D: 18.2% (44–54)
E: 12.1% (35–43)
F: 27.3% (0–34)

Best regards,

Published June 9, 2021 9:34 PM

Dear all,

Here is the exam, with a solution here.

I hope you have enjoyed the course! I'm teaching MAT3110 next semester, I hope to see some of you there!

Best regards,

Published June 3, 2021 9:52 AM

I will hold a final "office hour" on Zoom on Tuesday 8 June from 10–12. You will find the link on Canvas.

Edit: Here are the notes from this session.


Published June 1, 2021 3:06 PM

Dear all,

The exam is fast approaching. Make sure that you have read the message posted earlier on the semester home page.

During the exam I will be available for questions from 16:00–18:00 on Zoom. You will find the link on Canvas. If you are unable to reach me on Zoom, please feel free to send me an e-mail.

There will be a final office hour on Thursday 3 June from 9–10. The link is available on Canvas.

All the best for the exam!

Best regards,

Published May 20, 2021 9:55 PM

Dear all,

I have published a solution to oblig 2 here.


Published May 20, 2021 10:10 AM

Dear all,

For some reason, the Zoom links for the lectures have dropped out in Canvas. You will find the Zoom link in the schedule (it's the same as before).


Published May 10, 2021 2:25 PM

In general, the following guidelines apply in courses at the Department of Mathematics: 

  • The examination lasts 4 hours. In addition, you will have an extra 30 minutes to scan and upload your PDF. 
  • All examination aids are allowed (e.g. books, online resources, scientific programming tools, etc.). 
  • ...
Published May 10, 2021 9:50 AM

Dear all,

We have now finished correcting the second mandatory assignment. Please read our comments carefully, even if your attempt was approved (i.e., marked "Complete")!

If your attempt was not approved (i.e., marked "Incomplete"), but you were given a second attempt, then you need to hand in a second attempt by Tuesday 18 May at 14:30.

For technical reasons, everyone has been given the "Mandatory assignment 2, second attempt" in Canvas. Needless to say, you do not need to hand in again if your initial attempt was approved.

Best regards,

Published May 7, 2021 7:31 AM

Dear all,

I have (finally!) written a list of problems that are relevant for the exam. You will find it under "Repetition problems for the exam" under "Problems" on the semester page.

On Tuesday I will start solving the problems listed there. Please get in touch if there are topics or problems that you want me to cover in more detail!

Try to solve as many of these problems as you can, and don't be afraid of asking questions during the problem sessions – your and your fellow students' learning will benefit from it!

Best regards,

Published May 3, 2021 12:15 PM

Dear all,

We will be finishing the curriculum this week. I have labeled the last few weeks as "repetition", but it's up to you how I should fill these lectures. Would you like me to go through the entire curriculum? Solve exercises and exam problems? Or just cancel the lectures?

Please let me know, either by sending me an e-mail, posting on the padlet, or talking to one of the student representatives. (I'm meeting the student representatives on Wednesday 5 May.)

Best regards,

Published Apr. 13, 2021 9:11 PM

I have updated the list of solutions that are available online. You can find the overview under Weekly Exercises → Solutions.

Best regards,

Published Apr. 12, 2021 8:31 AM

Dear all,

Over the next two weeks we will work on Chapter 10 of Spaces. This is a supplementary chapter which is now available through Leganto (under Syllabus on the semester page).

On Tuesday I will talk about the second mandatory assignment and answer any questions. I will also go through the video on Section 10.1 (to be published later today).

Best regards,

Published Apr. 9, 2021 7:03 PM

Ent3r UiO, et gratis leksetilbud for skoleelever, ønsker å formidle følgende beskjed:

Ønsker du en jobb ved siden av studiet? Nå leter ENT3R UiO etter nye realfagstudenter til å være mentor i prosjektet. Det er en givende deltidsjobb hvor man kan formidle kunnskap, engasjement og glede for faget sitt til elever på ungdomsskolen og videregående. Mer informasjon finner du her.

Published Apr. 9, 2021 1:16 PM

The second mandatory assignment has now been published in Canvas. The deadline is Monday 26 April at 14:30  (and not 22 April).

Best regards,

Published Mar. 24, 2021 9:25 AM

Dear all,

I have published the solution to oblig 1 here, along with the LaTeX file. Take some time to read through my solution, and take it as an learning opportunity. If there is something you don't understand, please let me know through the usual channels.

Edit 24 March: I discovered too late that the definition given in problem 2(b) is actually "uniform convergence in i", not "j". This had no consequences whatsoever in solving the problem, but I fixed this typo in my own solution.

Best regards,

Published Mar. 16, 2021 10:19 AM

Do you need help with your second attempt of the mandatory assignment? Remember the "order of operations": Where can I get help?

(This week I will prioritize individual help for the second half of the exercise session.)

I will also schedule an extra Zoom session for this Friday at 12:15, for those who still want some help with their assignment at this point.

Best, Erik

Published Mar. 14, 2021 8:49 AM

Dear all,

We are finally done correcting assignment 1.

We have spent a lot of time writing detailed comments to your answers. Regardless of whether you passed the assignment or not, read these comments carefully, and learn from them! If there are comments that you don't understand, please let us know.

For technical reasons, you have all been given the assignment "Mandatory assignment 1, second attempt" in Canvas.

  • If your first hand-in is labeled "Complete" then you do not have to do anything.
  • If your first-hand-in is labeled "Incomplete", but you were given a second attempt, then you may submit your corrected answers to the "Mandatory assignment 1, second attempt" assignment in Canvas. The new deadline is Monday 22 March at 14:30. You only have to do the problems mentioned in the "Comments for this Attempt" section on the right. Be sure to address all comments to those problems....
Published Mar. 8, 2021 12:33 PM

The Department of Mathematics is organising a digital "programkaffe" on Tuesday 16 March at 11:00. If you are a student at one of our study programs then you will have received an invitation.

For this reason, the 10:15–12 lecture that day will end at 11:00.

Best regards,

Published Mar. 1, 2021 3:47 PM

Dear all,

Two videos on ODEs are now available. Your job is to watch the first four videos before Tuesday's lecture, and the last two videos (to be published shortly) before Thursday's lecture.

Sorry for the delay with the ODE videos.

Best regards,

Published Feb. 25, 2021 9:00 AM

The Zoom ID for the office hours is now available in Canvas.

We'll continue with office hours Thursdays 9–10 for the remainder of the semester.


Published Feb. 22, 2021 9:28 PM

Dear all,

I have collected some information on the "Where can I get help?" page under "Resources". In particular, I have opened the Canvas discussion room where you can post questions and replies. I hope this is more user friendly than Padlet. The student representatives have also opened a private Facebook page for the course. The page is administered by them and will not be visited by us.

Regarding lectures, I will continue with the previous format for the "lectures", but in addition I plan to organise an "office hour" once a week where you can ask questions. I will find a suitable time slot as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Published Feb. 18, 2021 2:37 PM

Dear all,

I am meeting with the student representatives on Monday. Please contact them if you have any feedback which you want them to convey. All feedback/input/suggestions is appreciated!

In particular, I am considering converting the Tuesday "lectures" into Q&A sessions, where you can work together in Zoom breakout rooms and ask questions, either publicly or in private. Do you think this is a good or bad idea?

Best regards,