
Publisert 2. jan. 2017 11:37

Here is the exam text in Norwegian and English. Here is the suggested solution. The grading is almost completed, and the results should be available within a couple of days in Studentweb. 

Best of luck with your upcoming semester!

Publisert 13. des. 2016 14:51

Matematisk fagutvalg (the mathematics student association at UiO) are conducting a course evaluation of STK3405/4405. Please go to this page to evaluate the course.

Publisert 7. des. 2016 11:02

The location for the final exam has been changed to the large study hall at the Physics building (Store fysiske lesesal, Fysikkbygningen). The time is still the same, 14. December at 15:00 (for 4 hours).

Please check this link for updated info regarding the exam.


Publisert 11. nov. 2016 13:10

... and all 10 submissions have been approved. Congratulations! You can pick up your assignment with comments at the 7th floor of the Niels Henrik Abel building from Monday afternoon.

IMPORTANT: Please check to make sure that both of your mandatory assignments have been approved. This is a prerequisite for taking the final exam.

Publisert 9. nov. 2016 16:28

Today was the last lecture in STK3405/4405.

I would be very grateful if you can answer this survey about your impression of the course:

It only takes two minutes, and will help us improve the course next year.

I wish you all the best of luck in preparing for your exams! Don't hesitate to come by my office or send me an e-mail with any questions you may have. :-)


Publisert 2. nov. 2016 16:26

The exam will be on December 14th at 15.00 (4 hours) in the large study hall at the Physics building (Store fysiske lesesal, Fysikkbygningen). It is very important to be there ahead of time, as you will not be allowed to take the exam if you are too late. Updated information about the exam can be found here.

Old exam exercises can be found here. Some of them are in English, but unfortunately most are only available in Norwegian. Please feel free to come by my office or send me an e-mail if you are having trouble with the language (or anything else related to the course, for that matter).

The exam sets will be available in both Norwegian and English, however, you are only allowed to get one exam set (i.e. either Norwegian or English). I will do two rounds during the exam where y...

Publisert 1. nov. 2016 16:04

Here is a list of approved (and not approved) calculators for the exam:

Unfortunately, this web-page is only in Norwegian, but "Godkjente" means "Approved" and "Ikke-godkjente" means "Not approved". 

The basic criteria for an approved calculator:

- Does not make noise.

- Does not require plug in power.

- Cannot be used for wireless communication.

- Cannot calculate symbolically.

Please check the detailed list on the web-page to make sure your calculator is allowed.

Publisert 25. okt. 2016 14:12

Someone left their pencil case in room 123 after today's lecture. It can be picked up at the administration on the 7th floor.

Publisert 18. okt. 2016 14:37

If you are using a Mac with the newest operating system (Mac OS Sierra) you may have trouble downloading Riscue. In this case, open your terminal window and type:

sudo spct1 --master -disable

This should fix the problem (which is that Mac wants to make sure you're not installing viruses on your computer, however Riscue is not a virus).

If you have any other problems or questions regarding Riscue, please ask me or Arne B. Huseby (

Publisert 17. okt. 2016 11:17

The lecture last Wednesday unfortunately had to be cancelled due to severe illness in the family. Therefore, the schedule for the lectures has been shifted slightly. However, Arne Bang Huseby will still hold tomorrow's lecture on the software program Riscue.

Please see the Timeplan for the updated schedule.

Publisert 12. okt. 2016 10:06

Todays lecture (October 12, 14.15-16.00) is cancelled

Publisert 11. okt. 2016 14:22

... is now available in Norwegian and English. The deadline is November 10th.

The assignment is heavily based on the simulation program Riscue which will be presented by Arne Bang Huseby on October 18th. It is therefore highly recommended to attend this lecture.  Nevertheless, the first part of the assignment can be done without knowledge of this program.

Best of luck!

NB: Note that for those taking the course at master level, i.e. STK4405, it is required that you use a mathematics formatting program such as LaTex when submitting this mandatory assignment.

Those taking the course on bachelor level, i.e. STK3305, may choose to write by hand.

Publisert 7. okt. 2016 11:24

... and they are all approved! Congratulations to all of you! The assignments will be placed in the shelf at the 7th floor on Tuesday where you may pick them up. Have a nice, well deserved, weekend! 

Publisert 28. sep. 2016 13:08

It may be some help for Ex. 1)h) of the mandatory assignment to solve Ex. 1a)b) in the exam in S105 from 1983 (Norwegian and English version). Here is a possible solution (NB: Try yourself first!).

Publisert 1. sep. 2016 08:22

The Wednesday lectures will be moved to room UE26 for the rest of the semester, except for two dates: September 28th and October 19th. These two lectures will be in B801 (the same room we have been in the first two Wednesdays) The updated rooms are listed under Timeplan.

Publisert 1. sep. 2016 08:10

You can download it in Norwegian here and in English here.

The deadline is October 6, and it is to be handed in at the 7. floor of Niels Henrik Abels hus with a cover page. Please ask the administration on the same floor if you are confused about where to hand in the assignment, the cover page etc. The mandadory assignment must be approved in order to take the final exam.

Good luck!

Publisert 29. aug. 2016 09:01

There will be two mandatory assignments in this course. They are to be handed in Thursday October 6th and Thursday November 10th respectively. They will be posted on the course web page in plenty of time before the deadlines.

Publisert 24. aug. 2016 16:25

The student representative for STK3405 is Diana Laura Alvarez Vizcarra. You may contact her if you have concerns or feedback regarding the course which you would not like to discuss with me directly. 

Her e-mail address is 

Publisert 23. aug. 2016 14:33

The course will be taught in English this semester.

Unfortunately, the compendium by Natvig is not available in English. The lecures will follow the compendium closely. Some examples may differ slightly, so please check the compendiuim as well and ask if anything is unclear.

Publisert 16. aug. 2016 13:30

The curriculum for STK3405 is ch. 1, 2, 3.1-3.6, 5 and Appendix 2 in:

Natvig, Bent: Pålitelighetsanalyse med teknologiske anvendelser, 1998. 3. ed. (PDF).

In addition: Huseby, A. B., Naustdal, M. and Vårli, I. D.: System Reliability Evaluation using Conditional Monte Carlo Methods, 2003. Matematisk Institutt. Ch. 1-3. (PDF).

Publisert 16. aug. 2016 13:10

Første forelesning i STK3405 blir tirsdag 23. august kl. 12.15-14 i seminarrom 123, Vilhelm Bjerknes hus. Undervisningsplan for de første ukene av semesteret er lagt ut her på semestersiden til kurset under Timeplan. Den vil oppdateres fortløpende. Har du noen spørsmål, så ta kontakt med meg.

Vi sees snart!

English: Please check the course web-page regulary for updates, schedule etc. See Timeplan for the lecture plan.

Hilsen Kristina. Rom 1034, Matematikkbygningen (NH Abels hus.)