Semester page for ECON4915 - Spring 2017



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There is mismatch between readings in the lecture oversight - here Ray chapter 5 is mentioned and the syllabus where Ray chapter 5 is not included. You are not required to read chapter 5 in Ray.  Read the lecture notes and the Murphy & Schleifer paper

May 3, 2017 11:07 AM

Next week’s seminars have been cancelled and moved to week 17.

Seminar 1: The seminar which was scheduled for 31st of March is moved to Friday 28th of April.

Seminar 2: The seminar which was scheduled for 30th of March is moved to Thursday 27th of April.

See the schedule for more information.

Mar. 23, 2017 10:34 AM

The seminars this week are cancelled. Insted there will be seminars in week 13. Please see the schedule for time and place for both seminars.

Feb. 27, 2017 3:16 PM