
International Partnership in Academia - an Ethical Challenge?

Thursday 12 November


Welcome reception

Welcome by Vice President Martine Jahre, SAIH and Rector Ole Petter Ottersen, UiO

Address by State Secretary Bjørn Haugstad, Ministry of Education and Research

Meet threatened scholars hosted in Norway

Musical entertainment by Palestinian hip-hop artist Khaled Harara from Gothenburg City of Refuge

Venue: The Professor Residence, Karl Johans gt. 47 (UiO campus in the city centre)



Friday 13 November

Venue: University of Oslo, Blindern Campus, Georg Sverdrups house, aud. 1

Chair: Secretary General Alf Rasmussen, The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions




"Diana - Courage to Think"

Reading by 4 acting students from Westerdals ACT, Pål Fredrik Kvale, Ellen Kristine Dehle, Maria Petronella Muri Nygren, Kamilla Waal Larsen


Welcome and Introduction

Chair Ragnhild Øien Guldvog, SAR-Norway  and Rector Ole Petter Ottersen, University of Oslo


Peaceful Resistance: Possibilities and Challenges (pdf)

Director Kristian Berg Harpviken, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)


A General Philosophic Perspective of Values in International Academic Cooperation (pdf)

Executive Director Robert Quinn, Scholars at Risk


A Fresh 2015 Survey on Academic Freedom (pdf)

Professor Terence Karran, University of Lincoln

11:10-11:30 Tea/coffee

Fundamental University Values - Do They Guide Practice? (pdf)

President Sijbolt Noorda, Magna Charta Observatory


The UNESCO Recommendation on the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel (pdf)

Chair Tora Aasland, The Norwegian UNESCO Commission


Experiences from Bilateral Agreements Between Universities
Torjesen's presentationAppiagyei-Atua's presentation (pdf)

Associate Professor Stina Torjesen, University of Agder and Kwadwo Appiagyei-Atua, University of Ghana


Light lunch with wraps and fruit


Promoting Values in International Partnerships - drafting common language

Panel discussion. Chair: Executive Director Robert Quinn, Scholars at Risk

  • President Sijbolt Noorda, Magna Carta Observatory.
  • Chair Tora Aasland, Norwegian UNESCO Commission
  • Rector Torunn Lauvdal, University of Agder
  • Rector Pam Fredman, University of Gothenburg
  • Prof. Mahmood R. Amiri Moghadam, University of Oslo SAR-committee
  • President Nicklas Poulsen Viki, Norwegian Students' and Academics' Assistance Fund(SAIH)

Questions and Comments from the audience



The way forward for Norwegian Higher Education and the Global MoU Initiative

Head of Department Ragnhild Tungesvik, Norwegian Centre for International cooperation in Education (SIU) and Adviser Gøril Mellem, Norwegian representative in the SAR Global MoU working group


Closing words

Pro-Rector Morten Irgens, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HiOA)


Published June 11, 2015 3:16 PM - Last modified July 21, 2017 2:54 PM