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The Student Council at the Department of Mathematics evaluates various courses given by the Department of Mathematics each year, and this semester STK2100 is among the chosen. We therefore hope that you would take the time to answer the evaluation by using the link below. All answers are anonymous and the evaluation should take about 10 minutes to complete.

STK2100: https://nettskjema.no/a/273621

​The link is also sent out on e-mail. Thank you for contributing to the improvement of education at the Department of Mathematics!

June 16, 2023 9:05 AM

Part of the solution was missing here. Included now.

May 23, 2023 8:32 AM

This is a copy of a message earlier given in Canvas:

On the course web page there is now a trial exam available. This is MUCH larger than an ordinary exam but show cover most of the topics discussed during the course. Except for those sessions that have been specifically devoted to given exercises, the result of the lectures and groups sessions will be used to answer questions related to the trial exam (and other exercises). Also suggested solutions to the trial exam are provided, but try to solve the exercises as much as possible without looking at these!

For the exam, we will follow the previous years in that the only permitted aid will be an approved calculator. However, List of formulas for STK2100 (and also STK1100/1110) will be given as part of the exam. Links to these are on the web page, get familiar with this in front of the exam.

Note that the session on Tuesday May 16 is cancelled.


May 11, 2023 9:41 AM