
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
18.08.2008Sven Wedemeyer-Böhm  rom 209  Introduction (colour and brightness, spectral classes, Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, fundamental stellar parameters)   Stix: Chap. 1  
20.08.2008Sven Wedemeyer-Böhm  rom 209  Introduction (star formation, evolution of the Sun, timescales)  Stix: Sect. 2.1 + 2.2 
25.08.2008Sven Wedemeyer-Böhm  rom 209  Energy reservoirs and transport, nuclear fusion, conservation laws, equation of state (ideal gas)  Stix: Sect. 2.3 (p.24-36 + 2.3.6) 
27.08.2008Sven Wedemeyer-Böhm  rom 209  equation of state (cont.): realistic gas   Stix: Sect. 2.3.4 
01.09.2008Sven Wedemeyer-Böhm  rom 209  equation of state (cont.): Saha, degenerate electron gas; entropy, hydrostatic stratification; convection  Stix: Sects. Sects. 2.3.4, 2.3.5, (2.3.8, 2.4.1), 6.1, 6.2 
03.09.2008Sven Wedemeyer-Böhm  rom 209  the solar photosphere (granulation, supergranulation etc.); hydrodynamic equations  Stix: Sects. 6.3 - 6.6 
08.09.2008Jorrit Leenaarts  rom 209  Radiative transfer I  Stix: Chap. 4; The Generation and Transport of Radiation by R. Rutten: Chap. 1 +2  
10.09.2008Jorrit Leenaarts  rom 209  Radiative transfer II  Stix: Chap. 4; The Generation and Transport of Radiation by R. Rutten: Chap. 3 
15.09.2008Jorrit Leenaarts  rom 209  Radiative transfer III  Stix: Chap. 4; The Generation and Transport of Radiation by R. Rutten: Sect. 4.1-4.2.2, 4.3.1-4.3.3 
17.09.2008Jorrit Leenaarts  rom 209  Radiative transfer IV  Stix: Chap. 4; The Generation and Transport of Radiation by R. Rutten: Chap. 5, Sect. 6.3.2-6.3.3 
22.09.2008Sven Wedemeyer-Böhm  rom 209  Oscillations (helioseismology)  Stix: Chap. 5 
24.09.2008Sven Wedemeyer-Böhm  Lille auditorium  Magnetic fields I  Stix: Chap. 8 
29.09.2008Sven Wedemeyer-Böhm  rom 209  Magnetic fields II  Stix: Chap. 8 
01.10.2008Sven Wedemeyer-Böhm  rom 209  Repetition (last class before mid-term exam)   
13.10.2008Boris Gudiksen  rom 209  MHD waves / Solar magnetic configuration  Notes / Stix chap 9 - 9.1.2 / Schrijver & Zwaan chap 1, 5, 6 - 6.2.1, 6.2.4 - / 6.4.1 - 6.4.4. Notes on waves (PDF
15.10.2008Boris Gudiksen  rom 209  Solar chromosphere/corona   
20.10.2008Boris Gudiksen  rom 209  Solar corona / solar wind  Notes on loops (PDF ) and the solar wind (PDF
22.10.2008Boris Gudiksen  rom 209  Stellar types   
27.10.2008Boris Gudiksen  rom 209  Stellar atmospheres and activity  Schrijver & Zwaan chap 9 - 9.5 incl. 
29.10.2008Boris Gudiksen  rom 209  Stellar atmospheres and activity  Schrijver & Zwaan chap 11 
30.10.2008    Waves, loops and solar wind  Exercises for this date (PDF
03.11.2008Boris Gudiksen  rom 209  Galaxies - orbits of stars  Chap 3 in book by Sparke & Gallagher - copies will be provided 
05.11.2008Boris Gudiksen  rom 209  Galaxies - orbits of stars  Chap 3 in book by Sparke & Gallagher - copies will be provided 
06.11.2008    Atmospheres of stars  Exercises for this day (PDF
10.11.2008Jorrit Leenarats  rom 209  Spiral Galaxies  Chap 5 in book by Sparke & Gallagher - copies will be provided  
12.11.2008Jorrit Leenaarts  rom 209  Spiral Galaxies   Chap 5 in book by Sparke & Gallagher - copies will be provided  
13.11.2008      Exercises: 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.9(there is a typing error here: the force should be F_r=-4\pi G\rho r/3), 3.11 in the copies of the book 'Galaxies in the Universe'. 
17.11.2008Jorrit Leenaarts  rom 209  Elliptical Galaxies  Chap 5.4, 5.5 in book by Sparke & Gallagher - copies will be provided  
19.11.2008Jorrit Leenaarts  rom 209  Galaxies  Sect. 6.1 - 6.4 in book by Sparke & Gallagher  
20.11.2008  rom 209    Exercises for 20.11.: 3.17, 5.2, 5.10, 5.11 (in Sparke & Gallagher) 
24.11.2008Jorrit Leenaarts  rom 209  Galaxies   
26.11.2008Boris Gudiksen, Sven Wedemeyer-Böhm, Jorrit Leenaarts  rom 209  Question & Clarification  It is here possible to ask questions on subjects from the curiculum 
27.11.2008  rom 209    Exercises for 27.11.: 6.1, 6.2, 6.8, 6.11 (in Sparke & Gallagher)  
Publisert 26. aug. 2008 11:04 - Sist endret 7. feb. 2020 15:48