
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
29.08.2006Lars Aurdal    Information and repetition  Lecture notes (PDF, 1pp)

Lecture notes (PDF, 6pp)


05.09.2006Lars Aurdal    Thresholding  Lecture notes (PDF, 1pp)

Lecture notes (PDF, 6pp)

Matlab scripts

Color image

Gray level image

Exercise solution 

12.09.2006Lars Aurdal    The Hough Transform  Lecture notes (PDF, 1pp)

Lecture notes (PDF, 6pp)

Matlab scripts

Matlab function for Hough transform

Matlab function for drawing lines

Image of corridor

Image of coins

Exercise solution

Matlab support function 

19.09.2006Lars Aurdal    Segmentation  Avlyst 
26.09.2006Lars Aurdal    Morphology  Lecture notes (PDF, 1pp)

Lecture notes (PDF, 6pp)

Matlab scripts

Image of blood cells

Image of Marilyn Monroe

Image of carbon fibres

Image of rice grains

Image with uneven illumination

This weeks exercise 

03.10.2006Anne Solberg og Lars Aurdal    Introduction to obligatory exercise  Presentation of obligatory exercise (PDF, 1pp)

Presentation of obligatory exercise (PDF, 6pp)

Data for the obligatory exercise 

10.10.2006    No lecture   
17.10.2006Anne Solberg    Shape descriptors   We will continue with these foils next week, before we start will introduction to classification.

Lecture notes shape

Matlab example

Exercises for weeks 42-43

Fourier descriptor demo (and others)

 Image with numbers for exercise  

24.10.2006Anne Solberg    Shape descriptors, followed by introduction to classification  Lecture notes 
31.10.2006Anne Solberg    Classification I  Lecture notes


07.11.2006Anne Solberg    Classification II  Lecture notes


14.11.2006Lars Aurdal    Segmentation  Lecture notes (PDF, 1pp)

Lecture notes (PDF, 6pp)

Matlab scripts

Matlab function 1

Matlab function 2

Matlab function 3

Matlab function 4

Image of apple 

21.11.2006Anne Solberg     Texture analysis  Lecture notes

Good tutorial on GLCM

Texture exercise


28.11.2006    Orakel-hjelp til oblig  Denne uken blir det ingen ordinær forelesning, men faglærer vil være tilgjengelig for evt. spørsmål rundt oblig fra 12.15 i Store Aud.  
12.12.2006Lars Aurdal/Anne Solberg    Repetisjonsforelesning  Send gjerne spørsmål/temaer dere ønsket forklart til oss på forhånd. Det blir også anledning til å spørre underveis. 
Publisert 18. sep. 2007 12:49 - Sist endret 7. feb. 2020 16:02