Semester page for ECON4330 - Spring 2013

Slides connected to the first part (applications of specie-flow model) is on the semester page. The second part of the lecture Instead will be related to chapter 7 (traded- and non-traded goods) in my book instead of chapter 8 (PPP etc), which will be treated next week. There will be no slide distributed in advance for the traded-non-traded part.  

Apr. 15, 2013 4:52 PM

 Rødseth will lecture also in week 14 (the first week after easter) at the usual time and place (Tuesday 14.15 - 16 in Auditorium 4.

Mar. 20, 2013 11:42 AM

A new version of the slides for lectures 8 and 9 has been uploaded. No substantial changes, but typos have been corrected and slides edited slightly.

Mar. 20, 2013 11:35 AM