Norwegian version of this page

TSD and Educloud prices

Prices were KPI-adjusted on January 1, 2024, in addition to an increase in licensing costs from Microsoft.

All prices are in Norwegian kroner excluding value-added tax (VAT). We invoice all services annually in October. The invoice pertains to the previous year and prices are KPI-adjusted every year.

Prices vary depending on the responsible research institution for the project. If there are collaborative projects, the invoice address must be the institution you wish the price to apply to.

  • UiO: University of Oslo
  • UH: Universitets- og høyskolesektoren
  • UKOM: Norwegian non-commercial research
  • KOM: Commercial research
Årlige priser UiO UH UKOM KOM
Basic package * 0 18500 25000 60000
Storage with backup (per TiB)     550


2100 4200

HPC usage per CPU (core hour)

0 0,15 0,3 0,5
Extra core on VM (per core)     600 1200 2400 4800
Ekstra RAM on VM - per GiB 300 600 800 1600
Exstra standard VM 5000 10000 15000 30000
Operation of physical app node from NOK 0 20000 37000 55000
Databaseserver 15000 30000 35000 45000
Digital Signature (per signature)     6 6 6 6
SMS-invitations via Nettskjema 1 1 1 1
Export via SURVEY-API  0 10000 15000 30000
Data archiving (per TiB) 550 1 700 2500 5000
Advanced User Support (per hour)     786 1038 1268 1268

Månedlige priser

MS Office - per person     0 55 55


Windows Remote Access - per person     0 15 15 150
MS SQL Standard Edition - per person 0 15 15 200

* The Basic package in TSD includes:

  • 1 TiB storage and backup
  • 1 Windows server VM (2 CPUs, 4 GiB RAM)
  • 1 Linux VM (2 CPUs, 4 GiB RAM)
  • Standard software packages
  • Access to the Consent Portal
  • Access to data collection via  Applies only to forms that store data in TSD.
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Published Apr. 2, 2019 12:40 PM - Last modified May 31, 2024 7:32 AM