
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
26.01.2010Snorre Aunet ("SA")  Lille Auditorium, Ifi  introduksjon til INF4420  Slides. Slides, two per page .  
02.02.2010SA, Amir Hasanbegovic ("AH")  Lille Auditorium, Ifi.  From chapter 8 i "Johns & Martin". + SW intro (Cadence)  Slides. Slides, two per page . Other relevant material
09.02.2010SA  Lille Aud.  from chapters 8 and 9 in "Johns & Martin".  Slides. Slides, two per page .  
16.02.2010SA  Lille Aud.  9.2-9.6, 10.1-10.2  Slides Slides, two per page 
23.02.2010SA  Lille Aud.  Chapter 10.3,--> , chapter 11.  Slides. Slides, two per page
02.03.2010SA  Lille Aud.  chapter 12; Nyquist-rate DACs  Slides Slides, two per page Charge injection  
09.03.2010SA  Lille Aud.  chapter 13; Nyquist-rate ADCs I  Slides Slides, two per page Papers 
16.03.2010SA  Lille Aud.  chapter 13.6, 13.7, beginning of chapter 14: Oversampling Converters  Slides Slides, two per page Nifty gadget  
23.03.2010SA  Lille Aud.  Chapter 14; Oversampling Converters  Slides Slides, two per page SD_paper 2nd SD paper  
30.03.2010      No teaching in week 13. 
06.04.2010      No teaching in week 14, due to Easter holidays. 
13.04.2010SA  Lille Aud.  chapter 16; PLLs, report writing  Preliminary..Slides Slides, two per page  
20.04.2010SA, AH  Lille Aud.  ---  (SA delayed from Vienna, after the volcano outbreak on Iceland.) 
27.04.2010SA  3 D  Discussions regarding the final report.  Discussions regarding the final report. 
11.05.2010SA, AH  Lille Aud.  presentation of the project work.  Prepare a 10-15 minutes presentation of the work from each project group. 
14.05.2010AH  room 3A.  Selected problems relevant for the exam.  Problems from Exam 2009 
25.05.2010SA  Store Aud. Ifi.  brief repetition of important subjects from INF4420 / INF9425  Slides, two per page . Lecture notes, January_April .  
Publisert 26. des. 2009 17:30 - Sist endret 1. juni 2010 19:05