Lecture plan, Signal processing in space and time (INF5410), spring 2010

Note: The plan may be subject to changes during the semester

AA: Andreas Austeng, PN: Peter Näsholm, SH: Sverre Holm, (RH: Roy E Hansen - INF4480)

Note: The lectures held by RH (marked pink in the lecture plan) are part of the INF4480 (Digital Signal Processing II) course. These lectures are not formally compulsory for students at INF5410. However, if you are not already skilled in Stochastic Processes and Estimation Theory, we strongly advise you to follow these lectures in order to be better prepared for digestion of concepts presented within the rest of our INF5410 course.

Week Date Time     Theme Comments / resources
 4 26.01 12:15-14:00 RH 3B Stochastic Processes I   
  27.01 12.15-14:00 SH 3B Introduction; Chap 1, Propagating waves; Chap 2.1-2  Exercises: 1.1, 1.2
  28.01 13.15-15:00 SH 3A   Foils ch. 1Foils ch. 2
  29.01 10.15-12:00 RH 3B Stochastic Processes II  
 5 02.02 12.15-14:00 RH 3B Stochastic Processes III   
  03.02 12.15-14:00 SH 3B Dispersion, attenuation; chap 2.3  Exercises: (2.1), 2.2, 2.3, (2.4, 2.5, 2.6), 2.7
  04.02 13.15-14:00 SH 3A   Foils ch 2.3.1Foils ch. 2.3.2,Fract. deriv.
 6 10.02 12.15-14:00 SH 3B Nonlinearity, Refraction, diffraction; chap 2.4, 4D Fourier; chap 2.5 Exercises: (2.8), 2.12, 2.1
  11.02 13:15-15:00 SH 3A   Nonlinearity,Foils ch. 2.4Foils ch. 2.5
 7 17.02 12:15-14:00 AA 3B Apertures; chap 3.1 Exercises: 3.1, 3.3, 3.4
  18.02 13:15-15:00 AA 3B   Foils ch 3.1Link to animations
 8 24.02 12.15-14:00 AA 3B Apertures; chap 3.2-3.3  Exercises: 3.6, 3.9
  25.02 13:15-15:00 AA 3A   Foils ch 3.2-3
 9 02.03 12:15-14:00 RH 3B Estimation Theory I  
  03.03 12.15-14:00 PN 3B Beamforming; chap 4 Exercises: 3.17, 4.1, 4,2
  04.03 13:15-15:00 PN 3A    
  05.03 10:15-12:00 RH 3B  Estimation Theory II  
 10 10.03 12.15-14:00 PN 3B Beamforming; chap 4 Exercises: 4.3, 4.4, 4.7
  11.03 13:15-15:00 PN 3A    Handouts, chapter 4.
 11 17.03 12.15-14:00 PN 3B Beamforming: chap 4 Exercises: 4.11, 4.15, 4.17
  18.03 13:15-15:00 PN 3A   Delivery deadline: Mandatory exercise #1
 12 24.03 12.15-14:00 PN 3B Adaptive beamforming; chap 7  
  25.03 13:15-15:00 PN 3A    
 13  -  -  -  - Easter holidays  -
 14 07.04 12.15-14:00 PN 3B Adaptive beamforming; chap 7  
  08.04 13:15-15:00 PN 3A   Handouts, chapter 7
 15 14.04 12.15-14:00 SH 3B Synthetic aperture, medical ultrasound, ULTRASIM Foils on synthetic aperture. Scroll down to see airplane SAR-image of the Icelandic volcano (Eyjafjallajökull).
  15.04 13:15-15:00 SH 3A    
 16 21.04 12.15-14:00 PN 3B Adaptive beamforming; chap 7  
  22.04 13:15-15:00 PN 3A    
 17 28.04 12.15-14:00 SH/AA 3B On our research; High resolution beamforming for medical ultrasound and sonar  
  29.04 13:15-15:00 SH/AA 3A    
 18 05.05 12.15-14:00   3B Course review  
  06.05 13:15-15:00   3A Lecture time to spare