Problems & Solutions


The problem sessions will usually be devided in three parts:

  • In class problems - have a quick look over them before the class (not expected to have calculated them!)
  • Questions on the lecture/book
  • Discussion of important results and questions (challenges) on the previous problem set



In class discussion:  given date, eg. 16.01.

Suggested hand-in: 2 days before next problem session, eg. 21.01

Hand-out/corrected version: during the next problem session, eg. 23.01


The goal is to upload the problem sets at least the evening before the in class discussion. These weekly assignments are on voluntary basis, but you are encouraged to hand-in your solutions in groups of 2-3 people. The procedure for this will be announced soon.

Problem Set Solution In class discussion Notes
Problem 1, Bonus 1 Solutions 1 19.01  
Problem 2 Solutions 2 Problem 7 23.01 - CANCELLED A long and hard problem set - try as much as you can! 

Problem 3

(small correction: see Piazza)

Solutions 3_1 3_2

Problem 4 (v3) Solutions 4 06.02  
Problem 5 (v2) Solutions 5 (v2) 13.02 A rather short set...
Problem 6 Solutions 6 20.02


Problem 7 (v3) Problem 7, Ex3-5 27.02  
Problem 8 Solutions 8 (Ex2) 06.03  
Problem 9 Solutions 9 Cancelled  
Selected problems MS ch 9 and 10   08.05 see piazza
MS 11.1, 11.6, 11.7   15.05  


Publisert 7. jan. 2019 12:27 - Sist endret 15. mai 2019 11:35