Semesterside for FYS4160 - Vår 2018


In our problem session today, we briefly discussed the Hawking effect and how to combine GR and QFT. If you want to learn more about that, take a look here:

24. mai 2018 14:18

Her er en god innføring i tensorregning som kan utdype en del av det vi har jobbet med:

Artikkelen har imidlertid noen begrensninger. Den har ikke med Cartans strukturlikninger og likning for komponentene av Riemanns krumningstensor gjelder bare i koordinatbasis. 

Den mest komplette og fineste innføringen finnes i Misner, Thorne, Wheeler: Gravitation.

22. mai 2018 09:32

Next Thursday (24th) will be our last problem session and I will use it to wrap up our discussion on black holes and to summarise the key ideas of the lecture. 

There will be a slight change of time: We will start already at 9.30 and the first 45 min will be about black holes. At 10.15 I will start with the repetition part, so you can decide to which part you will want to come. We will finish at 11.30.

Also, if black holes are not enough of a motivation, there will be coffee and cookies. ;)

18. mai 2018 10:23