Semesterside for FYS4160 - Vår 2024


We have now graded the exams. For every student, the full results also include a breakdown of the points achieved per sub-problem (based on the detailed grading instructions).

In this way, the point distribution and final grade should be highly transparent -- but please let us know if you have any questions or doubts! This applies in particular if you consider to appeal against the grade, keeping in mind that this always implies significant resources for the institute (for hiring an external censor, who anyway will be provided with exactly the same grading instructions). Of course, if you after consultation still do not ...

22. juni 2024 13:28

The Q&A session is fixed for tomorrow, Wednesday, at 12:15. The room will be Ø279 in Fysikkbygningen.


4. juni 2024 13:05

As we had to cancel the last exercise session, I plan to offer an Q&A next week. Please answer this Doodle if you want to attend. I'll decide on a time and find a room by Monday.

Please post your questions in advance on astro-discourse if you want a well thought out answer.


30. mai 2024 15:07